7TH Board of Faculty, BOF, ZUFEST

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7th Board of Faculty, ZUFEST was held on 16th September, 2019 in North Campus. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Fahad Azim (Dean of ZUFEST). With the permission of worthy Dean, Chairpersons from every department presented minutes of their concerned BOS as one of agenda items to the members in BOF. ZUFEST Undergraduate policy was the main matter of discussion in which agenda items of BoS was presented for approval. The agenda items include review of credit hours for all Engineering and Technology program, scheme of studies for 4 years program and approval of initial draft to launch program Bachelors in Architecture (Civil Engineering Department). The items are now forwarded for approval in Academic council.


Following members 7th Board of Faculty (BOF)

  1. Fahad Azim (Dean, ZUFEST)
  2. Muhammad Asif (Chairperson, Electrical Engineering)
  3. Sheikh Muhammad Munaf (Chairperson, Software Engineering & Secretary BOF)
  4. Saad Jawaid Khan(Chairperson, Biomedical Engineering)
  5. Syed Faraz Jafri (Associate Chairman, Civil Engineering)
  6. Shahzad Nasim (Chairperson, Management Technology & Information Sciences)
  7. Abdul Aziz Ansari (Professor, Civil Engineering)
  8. Syed Waqad (Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering)
  9. Khawaja Sheeraz (Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering)
  10. Arshia Naqvi (Director/Nominee, QEC, ZU)